


Shantou City MIXIN dry mortar, Ltd. was established in 2008 with registered capital of 300 million yuan, is a manufacturer and service provider company specializing in polymer modified cement-based dry mortar series of new building materials products.

Since its inception, the market demand as the prerequisite to high-end research and development, popularization and application, security, environmental protection, energy efficiency technologies and business ideas for products, markets and customers set for dry mortar products R &D, production and sales in one of the professional services. Is one of the largest in eastern Guangdong Province, southern China's largest specialized manufacturer of mortar.

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Main Products

  • LnsulationOfNewWallMaterials Products
  • CeramicTile(slate)BondSeries Products
  • WaterproofSeries
  • PuttySeries
  • InorganicInsulationMortarSeries Products
  • Self-supportingSeriesOfNewWallMaterialsInsulation Products
  • TheNaturalColoredSandInorganicTextureCoatingSeries Products


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Hope to serve more customers through our professional level and unremitting efforts!

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